Malware Infecting Firmware
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Malware Infecting Firmware

What is Firmware?

Firmware is a type of software that’s embedded in hardware. It can be found on everything from cell phones and computers to routers, printers, and cars. For example, some companies use firmware to update their products remotely so they don’t have to send out new versions of their devices or software.

The main purpose of firmware is to provide instructions for how a device should operate; it serves as an interface between hardware and software by telling the hardware what to do in response to commands from the computer’s operating system (OS).

What is Malware?

Malware is a term that refers to malicious software, or software designed to cause harm. Malware can infect firmware, which is the software that controls the hardware of your device.

Malware comes in many forms: viruses, worms and Trojan horses are examples of malicious code that spreads by itself; ransomware locks down your computer until you pay up; adware tracks what sites you visit so advertisers can target their ads at you more effectively.

The most dangerous kind of malware is called rootkits–they’re designed specifically for computers’ firmware instead of their operating systems (Windows or MacOS). When these get into the firmware layer below the OS level (called UEFI), they can hide themselves from antivirus programs and other security measures designed to detect malware infections

The Risks of Malware Infecting Firmware

Malware is a serious threat to your device and your business. It can be difficult to remove, and if you don’t do it right, it can cause damage to your hardware or software. Even if you do manage to get rid of malware, there’s always the possibility that it will come back again later on in the future.

Preventing Malware from Infecting Firmware

There are several ways you can protect yourself or your business from malware infecting firmware. First, make sure to keep all of your devices and software up-to-date. This includes updating the operating system on your computer and installing any security patches that come out for it. You should also use strong passwords (which are long, complex, and unique) for each account that you have access to online or through an app. Be cautious when downloading and installing new programs: only do so from trusted sources. Finally, outsourcing your businesses IT; providers have a team of experts who specialize in various aspects of IT, including cybersecurity. They have the necessary skills and knowledge to identify and prevent firmware-based malware infections, which may not be available in-house.


As you can see, the dangers of malware infecting firmware are very real. It’s important to keep your devices updated and protected, but also to be aware of what you’re downloading and where it came from. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is–and could put your device at risk for infection by malicious software.

If you want more information about how malware works or how Empire Consultants can protect your business against it, contact us today!