Palm Beach Spine Diagnostic Institute
PBSDI led by Dr. Gorfine, has always been in the forefront of the latest medical advances and has pioneered the newest techniques in regenerative medicine that have just recently become in great demand. Of course, those other doctors don’t have decades of experience performing procedures such as prolotherapy, platelet-rich plasma injections and radio frequency treatments. These procedures and more (facet injections & RF, epidural steroid injections, laser therapy, micro-targeted cortisone injections, etc.) are performed in our own state-of the art surgical center.
PBSDI engaged Empire Consultants to implement a ‘All-in-One’ manage service solution to protect the data of its patients. Within several days, Empire Consultants was able to modernize our entire IT infrastructure, requiring minimal IT support. What was also impressive was how fast backup and recovery took place compared to the old system.
For the past 15 years, Empire Consultant’s BRAINY platform has been practically on auto pilot when it comes to managing our IT services.
IT Infrastructure Profile
- 2 Physician
- 20 Employees
- 35 Endpoints
- Concerns about protecting patient’s data in an era of ever-looming threat of ransomware and other types of cyber attacks
- Concerns about data protection from natural disasters, as our medical institute is located in a hurricane prone area. Since 2000, Palm Beach County has been directly hit by six hurricanes.
- Need to fully modernize a decentralized IT infrastructure that was poorly monitored where the culture was ‘break-fix’ as opposed to proactive and seamless IT automation.
- Little to no backup and recovery processes formalized as backups were done ad-hoc and stored locally on tape.
- PBSDI required a stable, scalable platform that allow for large data to be stored via the Cloud, specifically a HIPPA-compliant cloud location (GRS). Wanted a high end cloud base service
- Wanted to optimize resources to a single IT person as opposed to multiple IT vendors to manage a single platform for backup/recover, patch management, AV management via web-based dashboard.
- Solid backup and recovery solution that ensures data available in all circumstances
- An ‘All-in-One’ IT Solution to automate and manage cloud-based backup/recovery, patch management, antivirus management and
- Disaster Recovery
- BRAINY provided a centralized management that simplified the workload and optimized IT resources to a single IT person, saving costs as the need for additional IT services were no longer required
- After Hurricane Irma swept through Palm Beach County in September 2017, PBSDI experienced severe flooding damaging computer systems but based on BRAINY’s backup automation to the Cloud, all medical data was restored. To date, PBSDI is proud to announce that all backup processes are automated in a ‘set it to forget it’ storage array radically simplified complete system management.
- Backup & Recovery and Disaster Recovery capabilities were put through the test during Hurricane Irma, and it scored a ‘A+’ on our scorecard.
- Time required to backup data reduced from 150 minutes to 5 minutes as a result of BRAINY’s Backup console
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