Protect your critical data and leverage it beyond the traditional backup copy with our BaaS solution where your data would be backed up at several of our HIPPA-compliant Global Data Centers.
Most businesses understand the importance of backing up their business data, but don’t always know the specifics of where to backup data or how to implement fail-safe measures to ensure that their data is protected.
At Empire consultant, we offer a complete Backup and Disaster Recovery services that will bring a sense of satisfaction and ensure that your business data protected from various theft of equipment, server crash and other serious crisis.
Our BaaS solution can help protect the data critical to your business as it is designed to protect your servers, virtual servers, workstations, and critical application from a single cloud-based console. BaaS is designed to avoid data loss, business downtime, reduce risk and achieve virtually instant critical data recovery. A BaaS solution gives you a cleanly designed, ‘multi-tenant’ hosted console to let you check backup statuses, schedule backup jobs, and recover data—for physical and virtual servers, workstations, documents, and Office 365 Exchange and OneDrive.
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We provide simple, fast & reliable data protection services, superior customer service. Here are the lists of data backup and recovery services you will benefit with us

Prevent Disaster
Unexpected issues can/will happen to anyone and at any time. We prevent your data with our advanced preventive data backups and recovery measures today.

Secure your data and defend your business
We helps to protect your data and defend your business from hacking, viruses and cyber threats. Your data, network and systems are safe with us.

Fast data recovery
When something unexpected happened to your data, your network backup your data really fast. If you have a strong network, you will get your data back in no time.
What We Offer

Onsite Backup
Servers are installed at your location and configured to backup all your data in real time.

Offsite Backup
Your data is backed up securely and remotely from another location in real time. This is the true value of our DRaaS as you don’t have to spend money on building your own external site.

Hybrid Backup
Onsite servers work in conjunction with offsite servers to backup all your data in real time. This is the best of both worlds as backups can be done onsite as well as offsite, ensuring data backup redundancy.
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Let us help you protect and backup your critical data today